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Me In A Nutshell

[ Hello My Name Is: Geert S ]
[ My Niche: Portugal ]
[My Debut: March 15, 1987 ]
[Single Status: chinese takeaway ]

You'd think that by 18 I could figure out what to say about myself. I can't. There's no excuse.

Welcome to my cosy little attic. I hope you feel at home. Feel free to navigate. I hope my insanity is catching. Comments are more than welcome.
What's Up (so don't ask)

30/10/04 The Dude left us - RIP
15/03/05 I turn 18... start counting my grey hairs
16/05/05 Last Exam. Forever, I hope.
21/05/05 Jack Johnson Concert - KickAss
25/05/05 I graduate... maybe
07/06/05 Kaz turns 18. About time bro.

Play Your Worries Away

Curveball :: Play Fullscreen
Bowman :: Play Fullscreen

Disclaimer :: I sure as hell didn't make these games, so don't sue me if you did

Senseless Sadism
I love my Bonsai Kitten!
Hats Off To The Creators
Design MKdesign // Hostest Blogger // Template //
My Life Begins Here:

This is me, laid bare. Don't poke too hard.

Friday, April 29, 2005

share the madness :: Halfway there 10:14 am

Anyone who really knows me knows that I need only two things: a beautiful woman and a beautiful suit. Yesterday, I got halfway there.

That's right, I bought a brand new suit for the 3 proms and 2 graduations that I'm going to. Although I was going to go for jet black (like my old one) this other one called out to me and... aah. I'm keeping it as a surprise for those who want to see. I love it. I wish I was wearing it now...

This is not the point. You wouldn't understand my sick fascination with suits, but they are just the sexiest things to wear. As I discussed with a friend yesterday, men have very unattractive bodies (unlike women, who are goddesses), and I think a suit is man's solution. It covers the weird normal look with class.

I know the common question now is, how's the studying going? Well, to be completely honest, It's not really going at all. I'm kinda screwed, but we'll see what happens. I wouldn't be surprised if at the last second I turn around and it's all ok. It's happened before.

Now, with the pretence of needing to work, I bid you adieu.

[ 4 moments of sanity]

[ submit some sanity ]

I bet it's baby blue. Satin-y and baby blue. It'd be a riot, but if anyone could pull it off, it'd be you =P As long as it's not pinstripes (and having said that, I'll now bet it is).

Wait, did you say 3 proms? Goodness! Going to CAISL's? Or just going to crash a random 3rd prom as an excuse to wear this 'killer new suit' of yours?

And speaking of Killers, did I send you the songs? I'm so damn forgetful and this is almost becoming an email so I'll shut up.

Adieu, adieu.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:10 am  

you'll have to wait and see :)

and yes, I've been invited to the CAISL prom (I used to go there, remember, though that had nothing to do with the invite)

By Blogger notgeert, at 11:43 am  

oh oh! who are you going with!? lolol ahhh new suits, dont you just love that smell? personally i prefer ties...but suits add a nice touch *you know...for the cover-up*

p.s. hmmm...i forgot what i used as my blogger name so im gonna post this as "other" oki?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:16 pm  

and with the pretence of being hurt *hehe...hurt, yes its funny*, i question you as to why you're (still) only halfway there ;)

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:25 pm  

Make Your Mark - Piss On A Lampost

Moments Of Life

That's Me

The Dude - Rest In Peace

Yeah, keep smiling... grinny motherfucker...

He plays so well, I'm green with envy

What do you mean did I get any sleep?

The year's looking good

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Theatre Arts, 2005

Art for Lazy People

The Dude - He was truly colourful

Roll Up

Zack in Full Colour

Zack in Full Colour - Disco Edition

Before The Fall - My Garden

So Stoned

Since the Start

Together at the End

Dancing Star